What we come across is that people often wonder what we normally eat or similar questions regarding our veg lifestyle.
Here are a few quick questions I got to ask my sister Ilze.

Benefits of a veg diet
Being on a raw vegan diet I feel high on energy everyday not to mention health improvement. Since I started eating plant based raw diet consisting of organic fruit & vegetables I have experienced lots of other benefits that exceeds nutritional. I feel that my mental clarity has improved dramatically - clear mind set and also much more balanced mind set - it is a fact that everything is energy and if we choose to put in our body living energy of mother nature that is plant based food then every cell in our bodies will thank us.
I believe in principle of what you feed yourself you develop cravings for ; I used to love chocolate and ice cream whereas now I have replaced that with fruits and my sugar cravings have disappeared. 
By eating clean you just feel good about yourself mentally and physically. Since eating especially raw vegan i feel like my body is telling me what it needs and what it doesn't ; I feel like it want things like alcohol or addictive gluten foods. Another benefit that you will discover is that your excess weight with drop easily and it happens without even watching your food. People often comment about me is that I have a beautiful glow especially since turning raw vegan. 

Advice on going veg 
If you are a carnivore try by limiting your meat consumption to once a week for example. Start eating as much fresh green foods and green juices especially containing spinach and kale because those contain more iron than meat does. By consuming these green foods you will naturally lessen your cravings for meat. Then in few weeks time take it off from your diet. Make sure in this beginning stage you also include high fat foods that will get you through the change (nuts, seeds, tofu, avocado, if you are still into dairy make sure to choose goats over cows). Start your day with a smoothie. When you choose what you put in your mouth make sure its a conscious choice.

Typical breakfast / lunch / dinner
I love smoothies for breakfast ; make sure you have a blender! Green smoothies are my favorite as they are very alkalizing  and detoxifying, Usually I would mix  - banana, spinach, kale, blueberries and I would add a bit of spirulina powder.
I love to make my own lunch which is the main meal of the day - usually I have a big bowl of salad, use whatever is in the season, the creativity is endless! 
I have some fruit swell. Throughout the day I snack on almonds and hazelnuts, occasionally i have some dates and berries. For dinner I might have a variety of different things using veggies, sprouts of more leafy greens. Occasionally I have raw vegan pizza or raw vegan cakes.

Challenges in veg diet
In certain countries there is more of a meat eating culture therefor it is a challenge to eat out. I can share my recent experience in Spain where there wasn't much choice in restaurant menu apart from very plain specially requested pasta or basic salad leafs with oil. Other challenge when you are a vegetarian/vegan is that people often are ignorant and ask ignorant question such as 'are you sure this lifestyle is healthy for you' or 'so what do you eat, cant be just greens?' :)

Aspirations for the future regarding the veg lifestyle 
Generally I would love to spread more awareness about how animals are mistreated in order for mass consumption and educate people about their nutritious choices. I would like to open a holistic raw food restaurant with my sister. 
"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" - Hippocrates

Favorite vegetarian/vegan
I would pick John Lennon because he was such a conscious human being enlightening the world not only about being a vegetarian but also spreading awareness about other important issues and contributing towards human awakening

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